How to Become a Great Leader – Part 4

Earn and Command Respect

This is Part 4/4 of my leadership series speech that I have given to companies, conferences and teams around the country. The links to the other parts are list below.

Part 1: What is your Superpower?

Part 2: Understand and Fill Your Weaknesses

Part 3: Establish Culture

Part 4: Earn and Command Respect

How do you get people to follow you? While there are lots of great attributes of leadership but I’m going to focus in on one of the most important components: Respect

Command respect

In World War II there were two Great American Generals in the European theater, Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton. These two leaders could not have been more different. General Eisenhower worked with the Russians, the British, the French and the Canadians to execute the largest invasion in human history.

He had to negotiate all of this while managing his own generals who were chopping at the bit to get the work done. Everyone needed to know their role, be happy with their role and execute it to perfection for Operation Overlord or the D-Day invasion to be successful.

General Patton on the other hand was a crazy man – he had one job and one job only… Win! He didn’t care how his mission was accomplished only that the Allied Forces won.

While both of these generals had different leadership styles and responsibilities, they each had one thing in common – the people that worked with and for them, the soldiers in their units respected them!

So as you think about leadership and complementing your leadership skills think about respect as a away to build teams and get people to follow you.

Part 1: What is your Superpower?

Part 2: Understand and Fill Your Weaknesses

Part 3: Establish Culture

Part 4: Earn and Command Respect